Sunday, August 9, 2009

happy birthday!!!

for my cousin's daughters~amy & aisha

for the doc & son


Anonymous said...

Hi cahaya,

I like this too, simple but spot on _ where do you get your inspiration from?

Just want to express my appreciation!

fishbone from kluang
Just had to look at ur's when reading a friend's blog

Cahaya Kekasih said...


that elephant...i just wanted to make something cute for my cuz's daughters...young kids...thought of something that look cute blowing the candles..

that penguin...actually i dont like that so much..huhu...not cute enough..but i ran out of time...still had to proceed even tired...

Anonymous said...


What's ur favourite colour?


Cahaya Kekasih said...

i love pink, purple and blue....i'm trying not to use only those colours in my drawing..hehe...sometimes i just cant.. :)

Anonymous said...

Just a suspicion that u can sing too!


Cahaya Kekasih said...

huhu..i cant sing :)

Anonymous said...

It was your uniqie green fish logo that caught my attention, something 'fishy'


Cahaya Kekasih said...

hehe...the title is Fishy Fish anyway :P
have u seen the post about that drawing? it was a father's day card..

i wonder why didnt u chat with me..i saw u sign in to that pingbox..but then u're gone

Anonymous said...

segan tetapi saya amat tertarik kepada lukisan anda.


Cahaya Kekasih said...

hahaha...dah jadi tulang ikan pulak...ingat tak reti cakap melayu tadi :P

gurau je...

nape segan....i wonder who u are...we can be frenz..

Anonymous said...

Just saw de post, what a coincidence that it's called Fishy Fish!

fishbone always

Cahaya Kekasih said...

hehe...i was trying to draw something fierce and serious but it ended like that at last..hehe

Anonymous said...

Which is ur favourite piece of art?


Cahaya Kekasih said...

huhu....susahnye kena interview kat comment je in that pingbox la senang....

define "fav piece" please...huhu...takut tersalah jawab lak...

Anonymous said...

sorry, didn't mean to 'interview'@ just keen to know how a young mind can translate thoughts into work of art.

Surely there r fav(s), one that gives u joy or thrill!?


Cahaya Kekasih said...

hi...its ok....guess i'm not that "young"...ramai lagi yg lebih muda dan hebat...

hmmm..fav piece....kecik kan skop la ye...just my art...saya suka yang comel2...yang ceria....kadang-kadang saya lukis sesuatu ikut emosi juga....yang tu bukan untuk cards la...untuk luahkan perasaan je...

seni bagi saya bukan setakat melukis dan mewarna je..bukan setakat menulis puisi...tapi terlalu luas..memasak pun seni juga..hehe...

kebanyakan artwork saya guna pensel warna je...saya cuba juga oil pastel atau crayon...eksperimen dengan air dan minyak...hehe...ikut suka hati saya je...saya tak ada asas formal dalam seni ni...saya juga tak berapa reti guna berus....

saya suka lukis rama-rama!!

agak susah untuk saya lukis orang (kartun je)...tak tahu nak lukis tangan....mula2 dulu saya cuma letak kat belakang je..

the thrills came when people requested something in the drawing....macam my 1st customer tu..dia minta lukis untuk graduation card..dia nak orang.....huhu....and that cat in gave me headache for weeks...i'm not really happy with the results but she still loves it....i thought i can do much better than that....

my next customer gave me a photo of her and her bf ...huhu....dont know whether i can succeed..

Anonymous said...

Thx for taking time to express urself, does the weather (rain or thunderstorm tadi) affect u in anyway?

You must've grown with the art pieces that u draw.

Hope to see ur next assignment posted in ur blog soon!


Cahaya Kekasih said...

most welcome!

i didnt online that time.....trying to sketch something for my next customer..huhu...wish me luck!

hey....where r u anyway? i know we live in the same place...but why are u being so mysterious?

Anonymous said...

Would like to share with u:

Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves.

James M. Barrie


Cahaya Kekasih said...


yup...sometimes it is hard to shine our own lives................

but seeing the happiness of others still can make me smile (even my heart is actually crying)

mr fish bone~do u know me? or do i know u?

Anonymous said...


u hv often talked about crying and tears, why? u r an intelligent girl and don't let hiccups make u sad @ just luahkan perasaan anda, I'm a good listerner......


Cahaya Kekasih said...

how do u know that i'm intelligent?

my life isn't very bad actually....its just that crying the best way to express feelings...or maybe i'm spoiled with too much love....

how can i share my feeling with a stranger? u have to reveal yourself 1st..

Anonymous said...

I'm just an admirer of ur work, wish u love and peace as u usher in the holy month of Ramadhan.


Cahaya Kekasih said...

thanks for supporting me...and the wish...

u're from kluang too, rite?

which area?

Anonymous said...

hi cahaya,
why did u set up another site?


Cahaya Kekasih said...

huhu....did u see what's in that blog?? its a poetry blog right....this one is just for drawings..

Anonymous said...

oh yes..... sorry i can't compose, can't draw, can't sing but i like poetry, like art, like music!

selamat hari kebangsaan


Cahaya Kekasih said...

i cant sing, too!!

selamat hari kebangsaan!

Anonymous said...

so how's the drawing coming along? dah siap?


Cahaya Kekasih said...

still in progress....have to finish colouring the raya cards tonight :)

Anonymous said...

how do you know if there's a comment in any of your posts?

fishbone wonders?!?!

Cahaya Kekasih said...

haha..of course u wonder how can i reply u so fast, rite?

every comment needs my approval b4 publish here...everything is set up to be moderated first...i received email@notifiers too :)